featuring High-Definition Screening Rooms, Film Previews,
Updates, Notes & Architectural History and Theory

FILM PREVIEW presented by Architectural Media

Specters of Spain: The Spanish Gothic Architecture of Ralph Adams Cram series continues with Knowles Memorial Chapel on the palm-lined campus of Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida

Watch high-definition films of Ralph Adams Cram's seminal Pittsburgh churches - East Liberty Presbyterian Church and Holy Rosary Church - in Architectural Media's Specters of Spain screening room

FILM PREVIEW presented by Architectural Media

Dreaming in Technicolor: The Stained-Glass Windows of Harry Wright Goodhue series continues with two pivotal landmarks: First Congregational Church of Montclair, an overlooked Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue masterwork (1916) standing in the low mountain-terrained town of Montclair, New Jersey, and Church of the Sacred Heart, Ralph Adams Cram's first Spanish Gothic commission (1921-1924) located in the Greenville section of Jersey City, New Jersey

Watch Wright Goodhue's last major stained-glass masterwork - St. James Church, Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania - in high-definition color and sound in Architectural Media's Dreaming in Technicolor screening room